coolmath quizzes

1,3,8,...,89, what is next? You see number sequence In the picture,what number is after 89?   [sociallocker] right answer is 184. 1+1 +1 , 3+3 +2 , 8+8 +3 , 19+19 +4 , 42+42 + 5 , 89+89 +6= 184 [/sociall [...]
How many triangles Look at this picture,how many triangles do you see. [sociallocker] right answer is 4 . [/sociallocker]
What number is Look at this this math square and find what number is under “?” mark. [sociallocker] right answer is 20 [/sociallocker]
Math iq test Look at this this math IQ test and find the right answer,your kid will easily do that. [sociallocker] mistake is mitsake [/sociallocker]
Which number is missing Give this math quiz to your kid and see how quickly will he find the answer. [sociallocker] right answer is 32 [/sociallocker]
1,1,2,...,13 what comes next? This cool math test is for kids, look at this numbers ,what number is after 13? [sociallocker] right answer is 21 it’s called fibonacci sequence. Just sum the previous two nu [...]
1,5,13,... ,125 what is next? You can see math numbers in this game ,each second number is received from previous number with math manipulation,so what number is after 125? [sociallocker] right answer is 253 n= [...]
Math for 7th graders This math IQ test is for 7th graders children,child must find math logic between numbers and find what number is under “?” [sociallocker] right answer is 5 (4*5+5*8)=60 [...]
Mathcool This math puzzle is cool,try to answer what number is hidden under “?” mark. [sociallocker] right answer is 1 [/sociallocker]
What is heavier What is heavier a ton of gold or a ton of silver? [sociallocker] They are equal [/sociallocker]

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